quality of life., self-esteem,, oral health, oral malodor, halitosisAbstract
Objective: Oral malodour, an inadequately studied disease in children, is the third most prevalent reason for dental consultations, with negative impacts on psychosocial health. This study assessed self-rated and normatively assessed oral malodour and its impact on quality of life among a cohort of slum dwelling children in Lagos, Nigeria.
Method: This descriptive survey was conducted among slum dwelling children in Lagos State, Nigeria. A multi-stage sampling method was utilized to select participants for the study. The Organoleptic test was utilized by two calibrated dentists to assess oral malodour. The Self-Reported Scale for Oral Health (SOHO) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) were used to assess quality of life and self-esteem. Regression analysis was done using sociodemographic, clinical, self-esteem and QOL variables as the predictor variables to identify their strength of association with oral malodour. The probability level of p<0.05 was considered significant.
Results: Majority of the 427 respondents were aged between 10-14 years of age (67%), and were females (54.4%). Thirty four percent of the respondents self-rated themselves as having oral malodour; Normatively, 22.6% of the respondents had oral malodour. There was a significant association between OHRQOL (aOR: 2.724; CI: 1.563-4.932), gingival inflammation (aOR: 2.402; CI: 1.417-4.078), self-esteem (aOR: 2.546; CI :2.015-5.246), self-rated oral malodour (aOR: 3.846; CI: 2.118-8.571), parental education (aOR: 1.483; CI: 1.034-1.940), history of dental visit (aOR: 8.375; CI: 2.435-28.810), reason for dental visit (aOR: 2.224; CI: 0.932-5.310), and number of children in in the family (aOR: 1.106; CI: 1.010-1.212), with oral malodour.
Conclusion: Oral malodour was significantly associated with low self-esteem, poor OHRQOL poor oral health and dental attendance pattern. The oral health of slum dwelling children needs to be seen by policymakers as an important predictor of their mental health and wellbeing.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Afolabi Oyapero , Moyosoore Osoba, Samson Kareem, Sydon Agbor

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