Privacy Statement

Licensing statement: All articles published by the Nigerian Dental Journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Copyright statement 

Copyright © 1999 The authors. This work, Nigerian Dental Journal by Nigerian Dental Association is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. This permits authors and everyone one to copy, redistribute, remix, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.

Privacy statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.

Editorial policies:

Policy on type of publication types: The Nigerian Dental Journal, the official publication of the Nigerian Dental Association publishes peer-reviewed, scientific articles relevant to the needs of dental, medical and other health professionals in Nigeria and other parts of the world. The Nigerian Dental Journal is published triannually and the contributions that are accepted for publication include clinical papers, research papers, review papers, technical notes (surgical techniques, technical innovations), case reports and letters to the editor that are related to dentistry and allied professions. ISSN: 0189-1006

Editorial policy on manuscript submissions: Articles are currently submitted through our new journal website for online journal management  including online submissions. We onky accept articles not under consideration for publication anywhere else.

Authorship policy: Authorship is guided by the COPE authorship criteria -

Authorship and AI : We subscribe to the position of WAME and CPPE on authorship and AI as available at

Correction, retraction, republication and version control policy: The NDJ subscribes to the ICMJE standards as detailed here:

Clinical trial registration policy: All clinical trials should be registered in accordance with ICJME recommendations -- In the rare event of a retrospective Registration, it must becso-stated. 

WAME membership  We subscribe to the editorial standards/ethics of the world association of medical editors (WAME) of which the edior-in-chief is a member. We recognize that WAME is not an indexing body. 

Editorial peer-review policy: These are in line with editorial global best practices, and the journal requests authors to meet standards of confidentiality for research participants. All articles are subjected to a double-anonymous peer-review process. Reviewers are chosen based on expertise in the subject area.  The peer-review duration varies but we try our best to be prompt. The process from submission to decision typically takes about 12 weeks. In cases where authors disagree with reviewers, the decision of the Editor-in-Chief after seeking expert review is final.

Editorial policy on allegations of misconduct: The Nigerian Dental Journal has zero tolerance for plagiarism and other forms of publication misconduct. We subscribe to the ethical standards of the committee on publighing ethics (COPE)

All allegations must however, be substantiated and signed. The editorial board will use its discretion in the handling of anonymous reports if the weight of the evidence is strong enough with or without the identity of the complainant. In the first instance, authors will be contacted, and proven cases will be withdrawn and the author's institution informed. 

Advertisement policy 

Adverts are welcome from the public provided they are not related to harmful health habits and practices. 

Open Access Statement

  • We became Open Access since January 2023.
  • Our new and archived materials are available free of charge on open basis and under a Creative Commons license as stated below

Article Processing Charge(APC): We charge an APC of NGN55,000 on accepted manuscripts only.There is no submission fee. This is our primary source of funding. 


The Nigerian Dental Journal has zero tolerance for plagiarism. We screen any suspicious submissions for plagiarism and if found, the submission will be outrightly rejected.