Biometrics of the primary dentition in a Nigerian sample


  • A. T. Yemitan
  • O. O. daCosta
  • O. O. Sanu
  • M. C. Isiekwe



Biometric, Dental arch, Primary dentition, Nigerian


Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine normative values of crown dimensions, arch dimensions, and amount of interdental space in the primary dentition of Nigerian children.

Method: Dental casts from alginate impressions obtained from 125 randomly selected nursery school children (65 boys, 60 girls) aged 3 to 5 years, were measured with electronic caliper. Independent tests were used to analyze sample differences between sexes.

Result: There were significant gender differences in arch width, depth and length dimensions, with the exception of the left mandibular anterior length. The boys showed significantly larger mesiodistal crown dimensions, except in the maxillary and mandibular primary lateral incisors. Gender differences in buccolingual crown diameters were statistically significant for maxillary second primary molars. There was no significant gender difference in amount of interdental spaces.

Conclusion: It can be concluded that males had larger tooth/arch dimensions than females in the primary dentition stage.




How to Cite

Biometrics of the primary dentition in a Nigerian sample. (2009). Nigerian Dental Journal, 17(2), 52-56.

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